Friday, January 13, 2006

Life a Blur!

Aaaargh! Ok believe it or not I just wrote a very very interesting Blog...but for some reason it got wiped out and yes for all those smarty pants out there I DID TRY THE RECOVER POST tab!

Yaaaar! Things written down in a flow...songs sung when the singer is on a roll...instruments played when the player is high...prayers said when the person is weeping....ahhhhh the thing is not the same!

Irritating as it may seem I shall attempt to duplicate! Lemme just get a fresh cuppa coffee to re-create/ re-live the mood!

A general note to all readers...reliving blogs and reliving life are two differant things...only one of them guarantees 100% results! ;)

Dear Reader,

A belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Eid Mubarak! It has been quite some time since my last Blog...lets just say I was busy rekindling my mojo!

Another year is up ppl! Look at it as you may...another year down the drain...another year closer to Judgement Day...the Earth grows a year older/ more year to go on your mortgage...whatever serves your comfort!

I dont know about you but life for me turns into a total blur on the night of the 31st and this voice keeps blabbering on in my head "Where do we stand?" and "2005 Ahmed, any comments?"

I guess this is what they call the 'feed-back effect' in management books! 100 points to Ahmed for actually manageing to make a relevant co-relation! Hehehe well no biggy...the book plainly states every plan is to be followed by a feed-back process inorder to maintain control and consistence to the 'original' plan!

2005 for me well...many targets were not achieved...many targets were achieved...made alot of new friends...lost alot of old friends...all in all 2005 has been one heck of a joy ride and I'm glad its over. Alas, man proposes and God disposes?!

2006 is in the running...a new chapter...a new adventure...another chance?! Lets see what rides the Ride-Master has lined up for us this year!

I don't know about you but this year I will make a differance. There will be some serious changes made this year! This year is gonna be great! Hehehe...heard that some where else before? Feeling abit of a deja vou are we?

Yea...well what choice do I have but to tune myself on to this expectation? So lets wait and see!

What think thee?

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